HHS Student Meets the President
Jessica Tolbert and Girls Nation meeting with President Barack Obama.
Jessica is
on the fourth row, seventh from the left.
Homewood High School senior, Jessica Tolbert, attended Girls State from June
8-13. The 2014 session of American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State was held
on the campus of the University of Alabama. For one week, Jessica was a citizen
of an imaginary state, took part in the political life of her community,
primarily through campaigning for and electing city, county, and state offices.
Later on in the week, she was elected Girls State Attorney General. She was also
awarded a $12,000 scholarship from University of Alabama, a $6,000 scholarship
from Auburn University, and a $1,000 scholarship from Troy University and
Huntingdon College. At the closing ceremony of Girls State, Ms. Lee Sellers,
Alabama Girls State Chairperson, announced that Jessica Tolbert was one of 98
girls selected from across the nation who will be attending Girls Nation. Girls
Nation took place from July 19-26 in Washington D.C.. Girls Nation teaches
rising high school senior girls about the United States federal government. She
was very excited to represent Alabama Girls State 2014 at Girls Nation. While
there she visited several national monuments including WWll memorial and Vietnam
memorial. When she and her fellow Girls Nation Senators visited the National
Cemetery, Jessica participated in the patriotic ceremony there. She read an
emotionally moving poem called "No, Freedom Isn't Free". While at Girls Nation
she was appointed to serve as Chief of Staff of the Girls Nation government. She
also attended daily senate session as a Girls Nation Senator. On the last day of
Girls Nation, Jessica and her Girls Nation comrades met President Barack Obama.
He greeted them with a Hello Everybody! He took pictures with Boys Nation and
Girls Nation. He then commended the Senators for their achievements and
encouraged them to continue doing the right things to impact the world.